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Hem/Onc - Memphis, TN
Reason for the Search: We are revamping our medical oncology service lines at both hospitals
Group/Practice History: This would be a startup group. We have our network of employed physicians who would support this physician. We have a robust radiation/onc. Division in the hospital but physicians with competing groups are currently rounding on patients in the hospital and taking them to their respective practices and out of the system upon discharge. We would like to keep these patients in our network by employing 2 medical oncologists
Group Description: Would be a startup group
Hours and Call requirements: Physician would round in hospital and see patients in clinic. 2 physicians would cover one another. May add more if the 2 are successful. IV Therapy will be done in hospital or in MOB connected to hospital. Office hours would be standard m-f 8:30-5. Main office at Memphis campus with in office chemo. Possible satellite clinic.
Average daily patient census: TBD
Special procedures, training or experience needed:
Equipment or services available in the office: Would have chemo. Meds and chairs, etc. in office
Description of candidate that would be successful in this position: Hard working, self-starter. We would rely on this person very much in building back up our medical oncology program.
*For immediate consideration, please forward a copy of your CV to: Sign up or sign in for contact information
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