Addiction Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Psychiatry

FT Psychiatrist needed in NC

Job description

• FT Psychiatrist needed
o 14 shifts per month (7 on/off)
o No call
• Must be comfortable supervising APPs who treat children (5+)
• 16-18 patient caseload under psychiatrist's supervision with added support of residents and or APP’s
o Adults only (18+)
o 80-bed crisis stabilization unit - 50 Adults, 30 C&A
 Provider is not required to treat children but must be comfortable to answer any questions related to C/A patients
o ALOS - 2 to 5 days
• Travel: will pay for travel and lodging and one round trip for assignment
• Additional job specifics: Willingness to participate in ped progression and other care meetings that require provider input, able to flex to ED or medical consults if assistance needed temporarily although bulk of duty will be in the inpatient units. Understands need for accurate and timely documentation in the medical records
o Residency training program: we work to incorporate education into each interaction. There are typically 2 MDs, 1 APP, and 2-4 residents/medical students on a given day.
• BC or Truly BE
• 60-90 credentialing timeline

  • 7 on 7 off
  • We cover Malpractice Insurance
  • Travel and Lodging Covered

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