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Family Practice
We have a need for a Family Medicine Physician or FNP with exp. in Box Elder, MT
Top Hourly + Travel Expenses (Client has a fully furnished house 5miles from clinic)
Beautiful area in Montana during this time of year. Lots of outdoor activities.
Credentialing: 2-3weeks
Start: April 15
End: July 25
LOA: 3-6 month contracts with option to extend
*3 month assignment is minimum*
Schedule: Monday through Friday from 8-5 PM
Providers need to complete charting same day or with patient to ensure provider is not getting behind with charting.
Patient Volume: 12 - 14 patients per day
Procedures: Bread and butter Primary Care, must be comfortable seeing all ages, and treating hypertension, diabetes management, and chronic care
Urgent Care + Primary Care setting mostly
One day a week doing follows up with Chronic Care patients
Helping with Opioid awareness
License: Montana Required
Certifications: Board Certified, ACLS or BLS and DEA
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