
CRNA needed in Fredericksburg, VA! $230/hour+ Travel and Lodging!

Job description

4:1 supervision
Floating between Mary Washington, Stafford and MW Ambulatory Center
Must be able to work Full Time - 4x10s (not always consecutive)

All cases except transplants. Hearts, lung, Healthy Peds Dental/ENT, OB, Ortho, GI, ENT, etc.
CRNA do own epidurals, spinals. No blocks.

10, hour shifts available. 7-5p **Blocks not guaranteed!
Level 2 Trauma exp is a MUST

Will allow for Beeper nightly or weekend Call coverage

1 year min experience required
Schedule 8 weeks out

90-120 day credentialing timeframe

Level 2 trauma designation Heavy OB, thoracic, EP, vascular
Must be proficient with spinals and epidural placement and management
In addition to main OR, will be credentialed at 4-OR satellite hospital & 6-OR ASC and occasionally float – pediatric experience preferred

6-month contract preferred w/availability for one weekend shift (7a-7p)
36-40 hours/ week

**1 call shift per 8-week schedule either 7p-7a ($500) or weekend call 8a-3p ($400)

  • 26 weeks with option to extend
  • On call optional
  • All cases except transplants. Hearts, lung, Healthy Peds Dental/ENT, OB, Ortho, GI, ENT, etc. CRNA do own epidurals, spinals. No blocks.

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