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Fast-Tracking New Provider Hires Using Automated Credentialing

By: LocumTenens.com | Updated on May 17, 2024

Fast-Tracking New Provider Hires Using Automated Credentialing

The healthcare industry is grappling with significant challenges. This includes a looming physician shortage of up to 86,000 physicians by 2036, increasing physician burnout, and the need for increased access to patient care. To that end, it is imperative that we improve the process for bringing providers into new roles to address the shortage head-on in order to make it easier for skilled providers to focus on the work of care delivery. We want physicians and APPs to spend time with patients, minimizing paperwork and administrative necessities.

In the case of locum tenens clinicians, who often face the daunting task of repeatedly filling out extensive paperwork for credentialing with each assignment they take on, the need for streamlining this process is even more pronounced.

The Problem

Credentialing is a critical step in the process of filling an open role at a hospital or clinic, as it ensures that the candidate is qualified and competent. However, the traditional, manual, paper-based credentialing process has several built-in speedbumps and legacy inefficiencies. It is often time-consuming, prone to errors and rework, and lacks real-time tracking capabilities.

This leads to delays in clinicians starting their work, contributes to burnout (22% of clinicians cited “Administrative burden and paperwork” as a top burnout factor in a 2023 survey), and adds strain to the function of care delivery overall. For locum tenens clinicians who often move between different healthcare settings, these challenges are amplified.

Top Burnout Contributors Percentage Graph

"Provider engagement and information delays regularly add weeks to the credentialing and onboarding process, limiting patient access and costing healthcare organizations millions in lost revenue, administrative headaches, and provider burnout,” says Charlie Lougheed, CEO and Co-founder of Axuall. “Harnessing big data to automate and streamline application forms and primary source verification while complementing existing systems and processes is a hugely important step forward in efficiency, where patients, providers, and healthcare organizations win."

The solution

Recognizing these challenges, LocumTenens.com partnered with Axuall to invest in a digital credentialing solution that utilizes efficiency and reduces the administrative burden healthcare providers.

Key features of Axuall’s automated credentialing system include:

  • Digital Credential Verification: Taps into nearly 7,000 data sets to quickly validate provider credentials accurately and securely.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting: Creates persistent oversight of credential statuses, licensure expirations, and updates. This ensures all credentials are up-to-date and compliant.
  • Digital Wallet for Clinicians: Provides clinicians with instant access to their credentials, which are easily shared with hospitals and clinics, facilitating a faster spin-up of new assignments.

The Impact

This partnership tackles healthcare’s burnout and labor shortage challenges head-on by reducing credentialing time by up to 70 percent. Additionally, it represents a significant step forward in an era when all care institutions are struggling. The performance among users is highly positive with user experience rating of a 9 out of 10 by clinician users. “This resource,” writes vascular surgeon and full-time locum tenens surgeon Dr. Miechia Esco, M.D., Ph.D., RPVI, who is licensed in 15 states, “which I own and can use as needed, has been a game changer.

By harnessing technology to streamline the credentialing process, we ensure that our healthcare professionals are able to focus on what they do best - providing quality care to patients.

70% Reduction in Credentialing Time Graphic

The Benefits

Axuall’s digital solution offers several benefits for both clinicians and healthcare institutions.

Benefits For Clinicians:

  • Quick Credentialing: Reduces wait times for credential approval.
  • Digital Wallet: Immediate access to credentials for easier assignment transitions.
  • Less Paperwork: Minimizes administrative tasks.
  • Real-Time Updates: Keeps licensure and certifications current without manual tracking.

Benefits for Healthcare Institutions:

  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlines the credentialing process, saving time and resources.
  • Faster Staff Deployment: Reduces the time from hiring to working, addressing staff shortages effectively.
  • Risk Management: Ensures compliance with up-to-date credentialing, reducing regulatory risks.
  • Improved Staff Satisfaction: Attracts and retains top talent by reducing bureaucratic hurdles.