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Celebrating National Telehealth Awareness Week 2024

By: Pamela Ograbisz | Updated on September 16, 2024

Celebrating National Telehealth Awareness Week 2024

LocumTenens.com proudly celebrates National Telehealth Awareness Week from September 15th to the 21st. Telehealth-enabled virtual care expands the reach of treatment to patients nationwide, especially those residing in rural and underserved communities. Offering viable solutions to the challenges of limited coverage, telehealth is integral to the future of healthcare. At LocumTenens.com, we are confident in telehealth’s abilities to offer equally effective and valuable services compared to traditional care and treatment.

According to the American Medical Association, the demand for telehealth services is rising. Nearly three-quarters of physicians report working in a practice that offers telehealth services, a significant increase from 2018. This surge in adoption is fueled by the benefits of the service and the vast improvements that have been made in audio and video technology. Facilities nationwide are using telehealth, allowing for virtual patient assessments, remote monitoring, and comprehensive treatment plans for acute and chronic conditions. Many specialties embrace these technological advancements to deliver care and reach a wider span of patients in an abundance of ways:

  • Cardiology: diagnosing heart disease and benign palpitations, atrial fibrillation management, device checks and procedural follow ups
  • Oncology: treatment planning, chemo-therapy follow-up, symptom management, facilitating multidisciplinary care
  • Neurology: stroke diagnosis and comprehensive stroke care, neurohospitalist rounds, EEG interpretation
  • Infectious Disease: antibiotic stewardship, wound care management, long-term antibiotic therapy, peer-to-peer support for care management

Above are just a few examples of how specialty lines are using telehealth to deliver safe and effective care to those who need it. Even with countless cases displaying the benefits of telehealth, there still stands a large misconception among healthcare providers, patients, and policymakers. The concept of virtual care can raise concerns, and effectively integrating the technology throughout facility operations can seem daunting. LocumTenens.com’s LT Telehealth seamlessly integrates existing workflows to build custom-tailored solutions and address staffing shortages, staff burnout, and any other obstacles hindering patient care.

LT Telehealth, serving over 60 specialties with over 500 clinicians on active telehealth assignments daily, offers a comprehensive range of services. Over the last year alone, LT Telehealth has seen a 32% increase in telehealth coverage requests. With over 2,500 telehealth programs designed and built for our clients, our services include account-assigned project managers, consulting services, 24/7 technology support, licensing and billing expertise, legislative resources and more.

Whether seeking treatment for common conditions or supporting patients needing high-risk, acute care, telehealth programs are evolving modern healthcare. To learn more about our services and how telehealth can transform your facility, contact one of our skilled representatives today.

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About the author

Pamela Ograbisz

Vice President of Clinical Operations

Pamela Ograbisz, Associate Vice President of Telehealth for LocumTenens.com. With 20 years of experience in cardiothoracic surgery and internal medicine, she is passionate about delivering quality healthcare in a timely manner. Dr. Ograbisz is confident that telehealth programs are the key to improving health and the overall patient experience.